Diana BjelVessel #1, 2024brown stoneware18 x 12 inches$550.00
Diana BjelVessel #2, 2024White Stoneware17 x 10 inches$550.00
Diana BjelVessel #3, 2024White Stoneware16 x 12 inchesSold
Chuck FischerComposition CLE, 2020aluminum, copper, wood, gesso, matte acrylic48 x 36 x 3 inChuck Fischer, Composition CLE, 20203,500.00
Chuck FischerSophisticated Lady, 2021mixed media36 x 36 inChuck Fischer, Sophisticated Lady, 20213,250.00
Chuck FischerComposition CLE No. 4, 2021aluminum, copper, wood, gesso, matte acrylic39 x 36 x 3 inChuck Fischer, Composition CLE No. 4, 20213,000.00
Chuck FischerRocketmanmixed media32 x 32 x 12 inSoldChuck Fischer, RocketmanSold
Brent MarshallTogether/Two Birds, 2012cast glass20 x 18 x 5 inBrent Marshall, Together/Two Birds, 20123,100.00
Ed MieczkowskiUntitledacrylic on aluminium construction78 x 32 x 32 in
Ed MieczkowskiUntitled #46, 1992welded and painted steel sculpture32 x 10 x 7 1/4 inEd Mieczkowski, Untitled #46, 199210,000.00
Diane Therese PinchotWest Winds, 2020Raku clay, pit-fired, white engobe with sgraffiti15 1/2 x 15 x 8 inSoldDiane Therese Pinchot, West Winds, 2020Sold
Brent Marshall3 Birds, 2012cast glass16 3/4 x 9 3/4 x 7 inBrent Marshall, 3 Birds, 20123,100.00
Barbara StanczakArrested Motion, 2017linde20 x 20 x 7 inBarbara Stanczak, Arrested Motion, 20174,500.00
Brent MarshallMocking Birds, 2012cast glass19 x 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 inBrent Marshall, Mocking Birds, 20123,100.00
Diane Therese PinchotNorth Winds of Change, 2020clay, mishima22 x 18 x 10 inDiane Therese Pinchot, North Winds of Change, 2020600.00
Brent MarshallOn the Rocks, 2014cast glass and stone7 x 8 x 7 inSoldBrent Marshall, On the Rocks, 2014Sold