Jim Bandsuh

Jim Bandsuh was born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1952. His creativity was expressed through drawing and painting at an early age, and he has been involved in the world of art in one form or another for most of his life.


He attended Cuyahoga Community College for two years, taking drawing and sculpture classes, before attending Cooper School of Art in Cleveland where he graduated as a Commercial Art Illustrator with a minor in fine art.


Jim became an Advertising Illustrator during the eighties and was formerly a member of the Left Bank Art Association where he exhibited fine art paintings in numerous shows and art festivals.


In 1987, Jim moved to Los Angeles, California to pursue a career in the film industry as a Conceptual Illustrator. He spent nearly 30 years in the film industry, working on films such as Stuart Little 2, Inspector Gadget, Hotel for Dogs, Bedtime Stories, and many others. He also exhibited his paintings in various local art exhibitions while in Los Angeles.


In 2008, Jim relocated to Gulf Harbour in New Zealand, where he spent three years working in the New Zealand Film Industry on various projects, as well as pursuing his painting.


Jim is now residing in Cleveland where he devotes his full time to his paintings.